Your donations at work: club member Anna Wieczorek, in Poland, purchased brand new suitcases in spring 2022 for Ukrainian refugees who entered Poland with nothing but garbage bags full of their belongings.
Filling up a car with various essentials, purchased with money donated through the Rotary Club of Edmonton Community Service Trust, in Poland to be driven to Ukraine.
Rotarians on the ground in Poland are helping to house and transition Ukrainian refugees from Mariupol to Ireland and other places.
On November 2nd, 2022, Hurricane Lisa hit Belize City with a 2-meter tidal surge and sustained winds of 140 km/h.  Trees and lamp posts were strewn across roads and many houses lost their roofs. Some structures collapsed entirely. Most homes and businesses were without power and much of the city was flooded by the heavy rains and sea surge. Over 1200 people sought refuge in twelve shelters within the City.
Immediately following the hurricane, members of the Rotary Club of Edmonton were in Belize City as part of a Rotary team to plan the work for our upcoming playground build and to assess the results of the funding our Club provided for Phase II of the Literacy Program, in partnership with Literacy Without Borders.  During our week on the ground in Belize City we saw our Rotary partners, the two Clubs in Belize City, launch into action to help with recovery efforts.
During our almost 10-year association with the Rotary Club of Belize, we have developed a very strong relationship and have successfully partnered with them to delivery literacy programs and build numerous playgrounds.  Based on the strength of this relationship, we were invited to attend a meeting with their Board to explore avenues to support their disaster recovery work.  They determined that the most urgent needs were roofing materials, mattresses, clothing and food.  All of which could be procured by the Rotary Club in Belize and delivered more quickly by Rotarians than by government agencies as the government was focused on repair of infrastructure and provisioning the temporary shelters.  And the best way we could help was by providing funding.
Upon returning to Edmonton, the Rotary Club of Edmonton's International Services Committee committed $2,000 in funding for Belize City disaster relief.  Two members of the Committee have subsequently committed to donate $2,500.  Through donations to our Community Service Trust we raised thousands more to provide relief to Belize City.

The Rotary Club of Edmonton Community Service Trust